Saturday, July 16, 2016

Vance Creek Bridge

Adventure :
Vance Creek Bridge

I had been wanting to venture out to this bridge for a while but that had always managed to talk myself out of it. Too far away. No one to go with. Its trespassing and I don't want to get a ticket.
Randomly one day I was talking to Ray at work and BOOM. Wednesday at 0500, we were going.

I had done a bit of research on how to get there and figured I could find my way once we were in the area, so we set "Vance Creek Viaduct" into Google maps and we were on our way.
136 miles later were on NF-23 and found ourselves parked at this gate

 We quickly decided not to park there and continued down the road for about a mile and until we found a clearing with a more convenient and inconspicuous place to park.

I had read online that we should expect obstacles that the logging company had put on the trail to try and discourage adventures from going to the bridge. I was thinking American gladiator (maybe we should stretch before hand as not to injure ourselves) but was met with a very lack luster effort to thwart us. Most of these "obstacles" were laughable, extremely small trees you could literally step over without any effort at all.

After a brave 1.25 mile hike we found ourselves at That NW Bridge!

This bridge is amazing and terrifying and sketchy.
You can see 347 feet straight down!

"Anything I've ever done that ultimately was worthwhile... initially scared me to death."              -Betty Bender

  • This is a must see for any PNW adventurer, that being said, we knew the risks and possible consequences for going on this adventure and were willing to take the risk.

Good times.
Good company.
Good adventure.

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